--- A New Hope! ---

I introduce you to a fresh or new hope! It is a hope Jesus actually gave in promise; but only now, in our day in time, does it find application. Only now is it become understood. Few people recognize this hope, and even among those who do, many have been misled as to how they can have a part in it.

Hope in God has varied over time based on when each individuals lifespan fit into the 6000 year revelation of God's purpose of salvation. The final result of those varied hopes has always been the same, (Isa 11:1-12) of course, but what they have hoped in has varied. If you lived before Christ, for example, your hope would have been in the coming of God's promised Messiah. (John 4:25) Since Christ arrived 2000 years ago, Christians have lived in hope of his second coming or appearance, (John 11:23-24) and in the associated "last day" resurrection of those already dead. (Luke 14:13-14; John 6:40; Rom 6:5; John 11:24) World conditions and Bible prophecy indicate the time of Christ's second appearance has arrived. (Mat 24:3-14; Mat 13:36-43) As the final part of the composite sign God's son gave to help us identify his presence as king, (1 Cor 15:20-28) Jesus warned the disgusting thing that causes desolation would stand in a holy place. (Mat 24:15) We see that has happened in our day in time as all the false Christendom sects are standing in a holy place by teaching sectarian doctrine while claiming they represent Christ and his kingdom. (Mat 15:6b-9) Christ warned you not to be deceived by them! (Mat 24:23-28) Stressful as being alive in these "end times" is, however, it does open up a new hope to those with faith in Christ: The hope of living forever without having to die. (John 11:21 - 27)

The idea of living forever is not really new but many people have not heard it, or they are confused about what the Bible explains it means. Some who are even preachers among mankind still believe Satan's lie that we don't really die when we die, (Gen 3:2-4) but that we just become an angel or continue in some new form of life at our death. That is not, however, what the Bible teaches. [That we don't really die is, of course, what Satan teaches. (Gen 3:2-4)] The Bible says in the day of our death, even our thoughts perish. (Psalm 146:3-4) It also says the living know they will die but the dead are conscious of nothing at all. (Ecc 9:5-6) It's that statement God had recorded in the Bible that the living know they will die we want to take special note of, and to make clear Christ came to make changes so that doesn't have to be true for you. We do not have to remain in the group who know they are going to die, if we have faith in the ransom Christ provided to buy us from the grave. To have such faith in Christ we must begin by knowing what the Bible teaches about God's son. (John 17:3) Some people will say that is not true and all you need do is fall on your knees and express faith in Christ, without any real knowledge of who he is, and you are good to go. I am not a judge so if they can sell that to our Creator, it is fine with me. I would be left wondering what the rest of the Bible was for and what pitfalls it could help us avoid, including one very large and alarming danger Jesus warned about. (Mat 7:21-23)

The hope of eternal life was actually mentioned many years before the birth of Christ, but it was in connection with the promised coming Messiah. (Gen 3:15) The hope of eternal life was held out in the Bible book of Job. (Job 33:16-30) Also, Psalm 37 verse 29 promises the righteous will live on the earth forever. (Psalm 37:29; Prov 2:21; Mat 5:5) In Isaiah 45, verse 18, God said he created the earth because He intended it to be inhabited. (Isa 45:18) His purposes never change or go unfulfilled. (Isa 55:11) So... You can be among those inhabiting the earth forever. (Isa 11:1-12) Your future is based, however, on your personal faith in what Christ taught. (John 11:25-26) That is where so many religious people run off the rails. Most religious people believe, and try to convince you to believe, your salvation comes from membership in their religious sect. Not so my friend! If you want the gift of everlasting life, you must begin by learning what Jesus really did teach. (John 17:3) That is not hard if you just refuse to listen to people who want to tell you what Jesus taught! His actual teachings are plain and clear. Christ needs no interpreter; and, there can be none. (1 Tim 2:3-5) Simply read the Gospel accounts of his life and teachings. (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) All together, the four Gospel books make up only about 200 pages in most Bibles. You should read them over and over until you know Christ intimately. You should make yourself part of his family by doing exactly that: (Mark 3:31:35) Listening to and learning from Christ is working the works of God. (John 6:28-29)

If you are going to draw near to and really come to know Christ Jesus, you will have to separate yourself from the religions of this world. (Mat 7:15-20) That includes those who proclaim they are Christians (Mat 7:21-23) but have seated themselves in the judgment seat of Moses. (Matthew 23:1-2) (See also: Exodus 18:13) No matter how sincere they seem, or even are, you can not trust any human except Christ Jesus. (Acts 20:29-30) That is because we all make mistakes and none of us know what we don't yet know. You must listen to Christ because he is the one God sent to teach you. (John 12:49; Mark 9:7) Read the Gospels. (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John)

In verse 20 of Matthew 7, Jesus promised we can always know or recognize false prophets by their fruits (by what they do). (Mat 7:15-20) That makes it simple to recognize fake Christians: If people direct you to Christ by encouraging you to read his words for yourself, they are producing fine fruit and are Christians. (Mat 17:5; John 12:49; John 17:3) If they try to convince you you require their blessing, and/or an approved membership in their religious sect in order to know Christ, they are producing rotten fruitage and are false prophets. They are trying to be replacements for Christ by persuading you to look to them (John 5:39-44; John 7:16-18) instead of to Jesus. (Mat 24:23-28) Each group teaches and even believes God is relying on them to spread the truth throughout the earth, and that you need to join or assist them in order to work the works of God. (John 6:28-29) It seems they all fail to grasp that is what Christ came to do and already did. (John  18:37b) We just need to point other people to Christ, and then to be very careful to listen to him for ourselves! False prophets are anxious to get you to listen to them instead. Fake Christians always ask you for money (or give you the "opportunity" to "donate" it); or, as mentioned, they ask you to support some work they are doing. This is important to realize about all religious sects: Because they are trying to  get  take something from you, religious people can never simply direct you to read the Gospels so as to learn from Christ for yourself. They can't direct you to listen to Christ for yourself because that would be relinquishing their power and control over you. To take what they want from you, control over you is what they are forced to try and maintain. That is also the trap that always identifies false prophets to sincere Christians. Very simply, if they weren't false prophets, they would direct you to Christ so you can learn for yourself. That is what almost certainly makes this website different from anything you have read or heard before. We are not trying to get anything from you, or to get you to join something we have started. That is because we are not seeking our own glory (we are not trying to convince you of your need for us). (John 5:44; John 7:18; John 12:43) We only and always seek the glory of Christ and his Father (John 7:16-18) by encouraging you to join the group Jesus started gathering almost 2000 years ago. We make clear you can only do that by sitting at his feet; by reading what he taught. (Mark 3:31-35) Helping you understand your need to actually listen to Christ is the sole and certain purpose of this website. Join those who are studying the Bible to follow Christ and so join yourself to all those who are becoming Christians. Listening to Christ is the way we take in the spirit of God because the spirit is truth. (1 John 5:6; John 6:63)

OK. Enough about that you say, we understand our need to listen to Christ. So then, if you really do... Do you know what Jesus says about this new hope of living forever? We should consider a conversation Jesus had with Martha after the death of her brother Lazarus. Martha told Jesus if he had been present her brother would not have died. She then added she knew God would do whatever Jesus asked. She was no doubt hoping Jesus would resurrect Lazarus immediately. Even though it went largely unnoticed by most at the time, Jesus chose to introduce or bring additional attention to this hope of living forever without dying. Jesus told Martha her brother would rise. By what she said, we know Martha understood him to be talking about the resurrection of the last day. (John 6:40) Since Martha brought the "last day" into the conversation (the day when Jesus' would return in kingdom power to resurrect his faithful followers who had died), Jesus told her he was the resurrection and the life and that those Christians who were alive at the time of his second appearance would never die at all. They would have no need of a resurrection because they were still alive during the fulfillment of the resurrection hope. Jesus then asked Martha, "Do you believe this?" (John 11:21-27) So, that question now defers to you: Do you believe what Jesus said? Again in John 8:51, Jesus stated those who exercise faith in him will never die at all. His promise of living forever ignited the anger of the religious people Jesus was talking to, so they asked who he thought he was to say people with faith in him would never die. Jesus didn't explain any further at that time because it wasn't yet time for the hope of living forever to be realized. Jesus often taught things that couldn't be understood until events he had foretold came to pass. (John 2:18-22; John 13:1-7; Luke 24:1-9 & 9:22 & 44-45; Mat 26:31-35  & 69-75) That was the case with the hope of living forever without dying. He had introduced the hope so, when the time arrived, his followers could be guided by the spirit (guided by the words of Christ - John 6:63b; John 15:26) to remember and understand what he previously said. (John 16:13; John 14:15-17; John 15:26-27) Remembering and/or reading the words of Christ helps us have the faith necessary to accept that gift of everlasting life.

If this does sound similar to what you have heard some religious sect teach, it might be... Similar! Any religious sect teaching what is "similar" to what the Bible teaches is very dangerous for you! Remember the old saying that a lie rides to its greatest damage on the back of truth. (Acts 20:29-30) All Christendom religious sects pick and choose from the Bible to support their own doctrine. (Mark 7:7-8) That means their doctrines are all based, at least in some part, on truth. That's why they are able to deceive people to  follow  worship them. One thing different from what Jesus taught is Religionists always want you to follow and become an approved member of their sect. (Mat 24:23-28) They each one proclaim you are lost without their group's blessing. Their blessing can come only by following their sectarian doctrine of faith. (Mat 24:23-28) Very differently, we encourage you to follow only Christ and to identify yourself only as a Christian. (Acts 11:26) Like water that is only 1% poison, even if a religious sect teaches 99% Bible truth, that other 1% can kill you. Just always remember: The second they direct you to value membership in their sect, and to seek their group's approval, you can know they are false prophets. What you are hearing here, in opposition to religious teachings, are the sayings of Christ. (John 15:17-18) You must, of course, prove that to and for your-own-self. Don't listen to us beyond hearing our warning that you should listen only to Christ. The one and only way you can be certain you are getting Christ's message is by reading the Gospels. (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) Abandon religion and choose everlasting life! (Deu 11:26-28)

This knowledge leaves you with the very same choice falling to every person alive: Will you choose life through faith in Christ? (John 3:16-21; Deu 30:19-20a) If that is your desire, after having considered these scriptures, we ask the same question Jesus asked Martha: (John 11:26) Do you believe Jesus taught us we can live forever? If you do believe, do you expect it to happen for you just as you have faith? (Mat 9:27-30a; Mat 17:20) Professing faith in Christ should lead all sincere persons to ask the same sobering question of ourselves: Is my own personal faith strong enough to support my hope during the destruction of this old system. (Psalm 91:7; Mat 14:28-33) Can my faith sustain my survival in the midst of the destruction and disappearance of the wicked? (Psalm 37:10-11) In the faith of my minds eye, do I see myself having part in the coming paradise? (Isa 11:1-12) This wisdom, the wisdom that "equates with the expression of faith in Christ", is the most important thing in life. Even with so great importance, it really isn't hard to understand; unless you allow religious people, with their own doctrine of teachings, confuse you and make it hard. (Mat 15:8-9; Acts 20:30) Very simply, the Bible says of itself that it is a tutor leading us to Christ. (Gal 3:24-25) Everything we have considered is to help you understand that simple fact. (Mat 17:5) Realizing the Bible's purpose as a tutor, then: We must do the "works" of God by making ourselves members of Jesus's family. (Mark 3:31-35) The only way we can do that is by listening to God's son, by reading and rereading the Gospel accounts of his life and teachings. (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John)

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